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Grab a hot choc:

So. the first post.

I've decided it was time i created a platform on the internet where I can write, grow and share the many thoughts of a my mature 14 yr old teenage.

Or, in normal words:

I needed to write a blog and spill the 100's of crazy thoughts, ideas and book reveiws I have squished and suppressed into my brain.

I guess you could call it a declutter of my mind. So, come along and grab a cup of tea (or two) as I share the world from my veiw:

A muslim teenager living in the U.K trying to figure out school, trigonometry, crazy ideas and where I fit in, in an ever-changing world.

And you who's reading this- I guess you stumbled across this blog by accident but if you have contsant questions, an empty book shelf or you just want something to read when you're supposed to be doing your homework, I hope you find this blog, 'GrabAHotChoc', somewhere where you can fit right in.

How do you like this blog? Any suggestions or questions?

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